
Battle field 2 review
Battle field 2 review

battle field 2 review

This is a common thread in Bad Company 2: the few things it does that you haven't seen before it just doesn't do very well. "You swore you didn't leave the oven on!" It's cool when you have to move out of cover when it's been destroyed by a rocket launcher, but using the same tactics on the enemy is rarely as effective as just shooting them in the head when they jump out from behind the roadblock or wall they're hiding behind. The big selling point of the first game, destructible environments, returns here, but - while the sight of building materials exploding around you is one to behold - it never makes the kind of impact on the action you'd hope for. You're shooting all these guys because they're keeping you from the superweapon. The story's all over the place, both geographically and structurally.

battle field 2 review

I'm being vague, but it's not to keep you from any spoilers. Though your team may be more quirky than the Modern Warfare 2 dudes, their utility (doing crazy Special Forces missions when all others fail) now seems to be pretty much the same. Moving away from the cloudy mortality and greed-based motivation of the first game, this is a much more straightforward story of the pursuit of an incredibly powerful mystery weapon that's been stolen by an evil Russian. You'll once again step into the boots of Preston Marlowe (don't worry, I didn't remember his name either) as he continues his enlistment with the other Bad Company misfits. But because of a lack of inspiration and a pretty crummy checkpoint system, Bad Company 2's single-player game is just plain not fun. The campaign isn't terrible, in fact, it's largely competent. I mention this not to brag about how great my life is (Twitter's the only appropriate place for that), but so you have some perspective when I tell you that almost every moment of Battlefield: Bad Company 2's single-player campaign felt like real, actual work. I mean, I play and write about video games for a living - it's not a terribly taxing gig. You know, it's so rare that my job feels like work.

Battle field 2 review